Rescue Dada Centre works to reduce the number of street connected children within Nairobi, focusing on girls. We aim at empowering the girls to achieve their full potential and increasing the livelihood security of caregivers. This is done through preventive and curative measures, by rescuing, rehabilitating, reintegrating and resocializing street connected girls into a conducive family environment, educational sponsorship, strengthening skills and economic empowerment of their caregivers’ and increase commitment of care providers and communities to uphold children’s rights.
Rescue Dada Centre contributes to an inclusive Society where vulnerable children have equal rights and opportunities to achieve their full potential.
Rescue Dada Centre’s legal holder is the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. The Centre was established in 1992, as an organization doing street work to get to understand the circumstances of the girls living on the streets while operating a walk-in Centre where street connected children could come to share about their life experiences with the social workers. Within a short time, the organization realized that the girls on the streets were exposed to so much abuse and they needed to be rescued from such an environment before a more comprehensive strategy of addressing their plight was found. Therefore, the two roomed rescue operation in Mathare slums would soon expand to a Centre rescuing, rehabilitating and reintegrating street connected girls.
Today Rescue Dada Center has grown into an experienced, registered Charitable Children’s Institution (CCI). Its expertise in the field of rehabilitation and reintegration is recognized amongst numerous actors in the field, including the government’s Children’s Department, various CCIs, and (international) NGOs. The management, over the years, has been able to develop an effective operational structure for the Centre’s work, guided by comprehensive operational policies and a strategic planning, action and reflection cycle that informs the Centre’s work.
Rescue Dada Centre
Songot Way, off Park Road, Ngara, Nairobi, Kenya
P.O. Box 31053—00600 ,
Tel: +254 725 694 624.
Email: rescuedadacentre@gmail.com/ info@rescuedada.org