My Second Chance In Life


I am Stacy, before I met Rescue Dada my life was horrible and it happened that I had to drop out of school because my mother had not enough money to cater for my siblings and me and the same time pay for our school fees. I was a bit young of about seven years old. This all happened when my parents separated and life was really tough because all our relatives parted us because no one was ready to be added burden of four children. It was so bad that the situation forced us to end up begging something at least to put in stomach and ended up in street of Mathare slum.

My mother heard that there were people or rather social workers who were ready to help young children who were in need of education and she decided to come to the Rescue Dada Centre where she was directed and through the social worker I was brought here in 2010.

Looking back, main positive changes were that I learnt more values e.g. discipline. I was also taught some skills e.g. dancing and singing. I was taught how to socialize with people and to be dependable in the society. I was taught how to deal with challenges that occur in life. I learnt how to help others and with my story because when my friend who are about to give up on hearing my story from where I started and where I am now, they are encouraged. I got another chance to be in school and to read and be a girl of substance and of course a role model even to my siblings.

Because I believe that I will be able to get to my dream and that is to be a motivational speaker in order to motivate those who are about to give up in life and those who are depressed in life to make them open a new chapter of their lives.
My teacher in Rescue Dada always motivated me because they saw something great in me which I was unable to see and they made sure that I valid my dream and work harder both in school and outside school.
I know that with my career I will go far because I trust in the almighty God who I believe will never leave me and I know I shall be a role model to those who look up to me.